Saturday, August 23, 2008

only in dreams

When I was in school (elementry and highschool) it never failed that every August I would start having the same dream. It started out as a regular day, I would wake up and get ready and head to school for the first day back from the summer. All would be great, catching up with friends, comparing camping stories, sharing all the latest gossip and then it would hit me, I FORGOT to wear my new back to school clothes... I would be absolutely devastated. You would think that I'd gone to school naked or something. I guess I was so upset in my dream because I lost that chance to make a new first impression. Like "Look at me, summer came and went and I've come back to see all the same people but I changed. I'm more grown up, sophisticated, stylish, brand new..." etc.

Of course in reality, this was never the case. I always remembered to wear my new clothes on the first day, even if it was 25 degrees out and the outfit of choice included a sweater. Oh yes, I was going to wear that sweater.

So now that I am no longer in school (thank goodness) the dreams about school have changed and now include me showing up for my big wholesale show (the Vancouver Gift Show) to display Gingerly's new fall line and I have nothing prepared. Of course this is because of me and my love of procrastination and developing a whole jewelry line in 2 weeks prior to the event (although you didn't hear me say that)

That being said, there is something about doing something last minute that allows me to not second guess myself. I always over think everything if I'm given the chance. It never fails that every year I'll make a few pieces that I'm not sure of because I didn't "overthink" them. And sure enough, those pieces sell the best. I'm really excited about Gingerly's fall '08 line this year. I'm going with my gut on a lot of it. I love it and so I'm hoping that means others will to. So, here's to dreaming about forgetfulness and to the art of procrastination (funnily enough those words work well together)

Fall preview: