Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sshhh... it's a Secret

ok so "The Secret" isn't exactly my cup of tea, though thoughts of it generally and randomly creep into my head every once and while and influence my thought direction... (you didn't read that here though) So when I went garage sale-ing this past weekend, all I could think of afterwards were vision boards. It's the idea that you create a space (cork board etc) and post up the items that you want and desire and supposedly they are supposed to come to you some way or another. Some might argue that you could also call these "guilt boards" for those who post a picture of their ideal body or "things I don't need but think I can't live without boards" for those who post pictures of dimond necklaces. Sorry just putting my two sense in...

Anyhow, I drove down the street from my house following the directions to the first garage sale sign I saw. As I drove slowly past the house with the garage sale, something sparked my interest. Nothing like random tables of random junk for me to sift through. Pulling over the car and getting out I started towards the sale. At first all I saw were a few old tins (good if I was a collector, I think my mom was or is since she stopped filling the kitchen with ducks) and then I looked down and saw the rad-est cast iron owl trivets, circa 1970's. There were three, one large and two small. I quickly scooped them up. What a find! Owls are so hot right now (So is Hansel, if you get that you're as lame as me. See my post below, Hoot Hoot and All That to learn more about owls.) My eyes kept moving over the table and just as I was about to pay for my wise old friends I saw an awesome black panther table lamp from the 1950's. It's the exact same lamp base that Dharma had on Dharma and Greg (also see below post, You Light Up My Life) and it's usually accompanied by a venetian lampshade (MY FAVORITE) This lamp however, did not have a shade, but I picked it up any how and thought I could add one myself. So I took my arm full of goodies to the man in charge and he takes the lamp from me and says hang on I haven't put the shade on that yet. He walks over to his trailer and pulls out..... (pause for effect) a GREEN VENETIAN SHADE!!! I couldn't believe it and actually said to him, are you kidding me, you actually have the shade? He then started to lecture me on how it's old and tried to overcharge me, but he didn't know who he was talking to and I talked him down a great deal in price and t h e L a m p w a s M I N E!

So I guess what I'm trying to get at here with my long winded story, is the possibility that my vision board is my blog and the world is my oyster. I did a blog about owls and a blog entry about my favorite type of lamp and they both fell in my lap this week.

So I'm not saying that I'm going to start just posting about things I want and think I need and start treating this as a "Universe, please read this and give accordingly" blog. But that was a pretty amazing coincidence. Nicely done crazy Australian lady who wrote a book.

Please stay tuned for my next post about Land Rovers, Mid Century Modern homes and an All you Can Eat For Life Purdies Chocolate Gift Certificate.